Blue Archive The Animation :: Anime Icon #10222
Blue Archive The Animation
Blue Archive The Animation
Aru Rikuhachima is a vibrant and energetic student in the world of Blue Archive The Animation, a series that masterfully blends Action, Comedy, Fantasy, and Slice of Life elements. This bright-eyed girl is easily recognizable with her striking pink hair, often adorned with a stylish tie, and her signature trumpet, which she plays with passion and flair. With an eye-catching appearance and an infectious personality, Aru is a force to be reckoned with, always ready to take on new adventures and make unforgettable memories with her friends.
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Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
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Kayoko Onikata
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