Blue Archive The Animation :: Anime Icon #10000
Blue Archive The Animation
Blue Archive The Animation
Aru Rikuhachima is a vibrant and dynamic character from the anime series Blue Archive The Animation. This striking red-haired girl is not only a beauty to behold, but also a force to be reckoned with, wielding a sword with finesse and precision. With her captivating facial features and piercing eyes, Aru commands attention wherever she goes. Her multifaceted personality shines through in the anime's blend of comedy, psychological drama, romance, and slice-of-life storytelling, making her a compelling and relatable character.
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Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima
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