Blue Archive The Animation :: Anime Icon #10218
Blue Archive The Animation
Blue Archive The Animation
Aru Rikuhachima is a vibrant and energetic character from the anime series Blue Archive The Animation. This pink-haired girl is a talented trumpet player who brings music and joy to those around her. With her striking eye-catching appearance, Aru is a force to be reckoned with, always ready to take on new adventures and challenges. As a member of the prestigious school, Aru embodies the spirit of action, adventure, comedy, and fantasy, making her a beloved and dynamic personality in the world of Blue Archive.
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Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima

Aru Rikuhachima
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