Blue Archive The Animation :: Anime Icon #10694

Blue Archive The Animation

Blue Archive The Animation

Mutsuki Asagi is a dynamic and fearless student in the world of Blue Archive The Animation, an action-packed anime that combines elements of comedy, fantasy, and slice-of-life storytelling. Asagi is a skilled fighter, often seen wielding an impressive arsenal of weapons, including machine guns, rifles, and shotguns, making her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Her bold and confident personality shines through her stylish school uniform, complete with a striking dress that reflects her adventurous spirit. As a member of the prestigious academy, Asagi is always ready to take on new challenges and catch her enemies off guard with her quick reflexes and sharp instincts. With her unwavering determination and unrelenting passion for combat, Mutsuki Asagi is an unforgettable character in the world of Blue Archive The Animation.

Anime Genres

  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Slice of Life


  • smirking
  • female
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