Blue Archive The Animation :: Anime Icon #10922
Blue Archive The Animation
Blue Archive The Animation
Aru Rikuhachima is a vibrant and talented trumpet player in the anime series Blue Archive The Animation. This energetic and spirited girl is easily recognizable with her distinctive hair, which perfectly complements her lively personality. As a member of the Federal Institute's prestigious school band, Aru brings her passion for music to the forefront, often finding herself at the center of action-packed and comedic moments. With her trumpet skills and infectious enthusiasm, she adds a unique touch to the series' blend of action, comedy, fantasy, and slice-of-life elements, making her a standout character in the world of Blue Archive.
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Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
Aru Rikuhachima
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