A Silent Voice :: Anime Icon #5392
A Silent Voice
Koe no Katachi
Shouya Ishida is a complex and dynamic character from the poignant anime series "A Silent Voice". He is a former delinquent who bullied a deaf classmate, Shouko Nishimiya, in elementary school. With a piercing stare that can be both intimidating and introspective, Shouya's facial expressions often convey a mix of emotions, revealing his inner turmoil as he grapples with guilt and redemption. Throughout the series, Shouya's character undergoes a significant transformation, as he learns to confront his past mistakes and make amends, showcasing his capacity for growth and self-reflection. His story is a powerful exploration of the human experience, delving into themes of drama, romance, and slice-of-life moments that resonate deeply with audiences.
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Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouya Ishida

Shouya Ishida

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya
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