A Silent Voice :: Anime Icon #5390
A Silent Voice
Koe no Katachi
Shouya Ishida is a complex and dynamic character from the poignant anime series "A Silent Voice". He is a man often seen wearing a business suit, complete with a tie, which reflects his growth and maturity throughout the story. Initially, Shouya comes across as a bully who mercilessly torments a deaf classmate, Shouko Nishimiya. However, as the narrative unfolds, his character undergoes a significant transformation, revealing a deeper, more empathetic person. Through his journey, Shouya learns to catch the importance of kindness, empathy, and friendship, making him a relatable and endearing character in this heartwarming drama, romance, and slice-of-life anime.
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Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouya Ishida

Shouya Ishida

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya

Shouko Nishimiya
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