Tokyo Revengers :: Anime Icon #2922

Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers

Takashi Mitsuya is a formidable and enigmatic character in the anime series Tokyo Revengers, a captivating blend of Action, Drama, Romance, and Supernatural elements. With his striking features, including a distinctive scar above his left eyebrow, Mitsuya exudes an aura of mystery and intensity. His sharp, piercing eyes seem to bore into those he encounters, as if sizing them up for a potential fight. His jet-black hair is often styled in a messy, spiky fashion, adding to his rugged and unpredictable demeanor. As a key player in the Tokyo Revengers' narrative, Mitsuya's actions are often shrouded in secrecy, leaving fans wondering about his true motivations and allegiances. Despite his tough exterior, hints of vulnerability and a deep sense of loyalty suggest that there is more to this complex character than meets the eye.

Anime Genres

  • Action
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Supernatural


  • smiling
  • male

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