Tokyo Revengers :: Anime Icon #2604

Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers

Takashi Mitsuya is a formidable and enigmatic character in the action-packed anime series Tokyo Revengers. With his striking features, including a distinctive scar above his left eyebrow and a piercing gaze, Mitsuya exudes an aura of intensity and mystery. This ruggedly handsome young man has a penchant for getting entangled in the midst of brutal battles, showcasing his unwavering courage and unrelenting determination. As a key player in the Tokyo Revengers' narrative, Mitsuya's story is woven into a complex tapestry of drama, romance, and supernatural elements, making him a compelling and intriguing character to follow.

Anime Genres

  • Action
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Supernatural


  • smirk
  • male

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