Tokyo Revengers :: Anime Icon #2608

Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers

Chifuyu Matsuno is a formidable and enigmatic figure in the world of Tokyo Revengers, a gripping anime that seamlessly blends Action, Drama, Romance, and Supernatural elements. This brooding young man is instantly recognizable due to the distinctive scar above his left eyebrow, which adds to his intimidating aura. Chifuyu's piercing stare can unsettle even the toughest of opponents, and his rugged good looks, complete with messy black hair and a sharp nose, only add to his mystique. Despite his tough exterior, there's an air of vulnerability about him, hinted at by the faint wound above his ear. As a key player in the Tokyo Revengers' universe, Chifuyu's complex personality and troubled past make him a fascinating and complex character to watch.

Anime Genres

  • Action
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Supernatural


  • determined
  • male

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