Classroom of the Elite :: Anime Icon #21710

Arisu Sakayanagi
Classroom of the Elite
Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e
Arisu Sakayanagi is a captivating and intelligent student in the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School, featured in the thought-provoking anime series "Classroom of the Elite". This striking blue-eyed beauty boasts stunning hair, which complements her sharp wit and astute observational skills. As a key character in this psychological drama, Arisu navigates the complexities of her elite classroom, often finding herself entangled in intricate relationships and mind games with her peers.
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Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi

Arisu Sakayanagi
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