Classroom of the Elite :: Anime Icon #1595
Classroom of the Elite
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
Kikyou Kushida is a captivating and intelligent student in the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School, featured in the thought-provoking anime series "Classroom of the Elite". With her striking long, curly silver hair and piercing gaze, Kikyou exudes an aura of confidence and poise, often taking on a leadership role among her peers. This charismatic individual is not afraid to speak her mind, frequently challenging the school's authority and pushing boundaries to uncover the truth. As a key player in the drama-filled narrative, Kikyou's sharp wit and psychological insights make her a formidable force in the classroom, often finding herself at the center of intense conflicts and mind games.
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