Summer Time Rendering :: Anime Icon #20734
Summer Time Rendering
Summer Time Render
Hizuru Minakata is a mysterious and intriguing character from the anime series Summer Time Rendering. With her enigmatic presence, she is often seen wielding a baseball bat, which serves as a symbol of her strength and determination. But don't be fooled, as she is also capable of effortlessly brandishing a sword, showcasing her versatility and adaptability in combat. As a key figure in the series, Hizuru finds herself entangled in a web of mysteries and supernatural events, where her quick reflexes and sharp instincts allow her to catch even the most unexpected surprises. With her striking appearance, complete with a tie, she exudes an air of confidence and authority, making her a compelling and complex character to watch.
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Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata
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