Summer Time Rendering :: Anime Icon #22372
Summer Time Rendering
Summer Time Render
Hizuru Minakata is a captivating and enigmatic character from the thrilling anime series Summer Time Rendering. This intelligent and stylish woman is often seen wearing a sleek business suit, complete with glasses perched on the end of her nose, adding to her air of sophistication. Her distinctive hairstyle and piercing gaze, accentuated by her sharp eye, make her a commanding presence in any scene. Frequently holding a cup, Hizuru exudes an aura of calm and collectedness, but don't be fooled - she's a force to be reckoned with. As the story unfolds, her mysterious nature and supernatural abilities will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering what she'll do next in this action-packed drama.
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Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata

Hizuru Minakata
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