Assault Lily BOUQUET :: Anime Icon #7264
Assault Lily BOUQUET
Assault Lily: BOUQUET
Riri Hitotsuyanagi is a vibrant and dynamic character from the action-packed anime series Assault Lily BOUQUET. This energetic girl is easily recognizable with her striking pink hair, which perfectly complements her bold and adventurous personality. Often seen wearing her school uniform, complete with a tie, Riri exudes a sense of confidence and determination. With her impressive combat skills and unwavering dedication to her friends, Riri is a force to be reckoned with in the world of Assault Lily BOUQUET.
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Riri Hitotsuyanagi

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Riri Hitotsuyanagi

Riri Hitotsuyanagi

Riri Hitotsuyanagi

Riri Hitotsuyanagi

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