Kakegurui :: Anime Icon #6847



Mary Saotome is a captivating and enigmatic student at Hyakkaou Private Academy in the psychological thriller anime, Kakegurui. This intriguing girl is known for her striking appearance, often seen sporting a distinctive hairstyle and donning the traditional school uniform. With her calm and collected demeanor, Mary is a force to be reckoned with, using her exceptional analytical skills to outmaneuver her opponents in high-stakes gambling games. Her calculating hand movements and piercing gaze make her a formidable player, always staying one step ahead of her adversaries. As the drama unfolds, Mary's mysterious persona slowly reveals itself, showcasing a complex and multifaceted character that adds depth to the anime's intricate plot.

Anime Genres

  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Psychological


  • smirking
  • female
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