The Rising of the Shield Hero :: Anime Icon #6428
The Rising of the Shield Hero
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Mirellia Q Melromarc is the benevolent and wise Queen of Melromarc in the fantasy anime series, The Rising of the Shield Hero. This regal woman is easily recognizable by her striking purple hair, which she often wears in an elegant updo, adorned with a majestic crown that symbolizes her royal status. As the ruler of her kingdom, Mirellia is a strong and determined person who wears intricately designed armor, showcasing her unwavering commitment to protecting her people. With her compassionate nature and sharp intellect, she plays a vital role in the story, often providing guidance and support to the main protagonist, Naofumi Iwatani, the Shield Hero.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- female
- serious expression
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