Nisekoi :: Anime Icon #6063
Chitoge Kirisaki is the beautiful and feisty heroine of the romantic comedy anime, Nisekoi. With her striking long, curly blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, Chitoge is a stunning beauty who turns heads wherever she goes. Her adorable facial expressions and endearing smile only add to her charm, making her a lovable and memorable character. As the daughter of a powerful gang leader, Chitoge is not afraid to stand up for herself and assert her independence, often using her quick wit and sharp tongue to deflect any situation. Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for those in need and is always willing to lend a helping hand. With her dynamic personality and captivating presence, Chitoge Kirisaki is a standout character in the world of Nisekoi.
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Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki
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Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

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Chitoge Kirisaki

Kosaki Onodera

Chitoge Kirisaki

Kosaki Onodera

Kosaki Onodera

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki

Chitoge Kirisaki
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