Engage Kiss :: Anime Icon #5991
Engage Kiss
Engage Kiss
Ayano Yuugiri is a stunning and feisty heroine from the anime series Engage Kiss, a captivating blend of Action, Comedy, Romance, and Supernatural elements. With her striking appearance, adorned with vibrant hair, Ayano is a force to be reckoned with as she navigates the world of demon-slaying and romantic entanglements. As a strong-willed and determined person, she stops at nothing to protect her loved ones and uncover the secrets surrounding the mysterious demons that threaten her city. With her bold image and unwavering spirit, Ayano Yuugiri is an unforgettable woman who will leave you rooting for her until the very end.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Romance
- Supernatural
- serious expression
- female
- blue hair
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