Engage Kiss :: Anime Icon #21753
Engage Kiss
Engage Kiss
Ayano Yuugiri is a captivating and energetic girl from the anime series Engage Kiss, where she takes center stage with her striking hair and charming personality. As a key character in this Action, Comedy, Romance, and Supernatural blend, Ayano is often seen enjoying her favorite beverage, sipping on a cold can of Coke through a straw, showcasing her carefree and lively nature. With her quick reflexes, she can catch anything that comes her way, making her a valuable ally in the heat of battle. Whether she's drinking juice or soda, Ayano's bubbly personality shines through, making her a lovable and memorable character in the world of Engage Kiss.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Romance
- Supernatural
- blush
- female
- blue hair
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