Kemono Jihen :: Anime Icon #5413
Kemono Jihen
Kemono Jihen
Akira is a mysterious and intriguing character from the anime series Kemono Jihen, a blend of Action, Drama, Mystery, and Supernatural elements. With an androgynous appearance, Akira has short hair that adds to their enigmatic persona. This person is often seen with a subtle smile, which hints at their sharp wit and clever nature. Their jawline is defined, giving them a strong and determined look. When walking down the street, Akira's image is often accompanied by an eerie atmosphere, as if they're always on the lookout for something. With their unique abilities and mysterious aura, Akira is a force to be reckoned with in the world of Kemono Jihen.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Drama
- Mystery
- Supernatural
- smiling
- female
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