Record of Ragnarok :: Anime Icon #3064

Qin Shi Huang
Record of Ragnarok
Shūmatsu no Valkyrie
Qin Shi Huang is the powerful and enigmatic First Emperor of China in the anime series Record of Ragnarok. This legendary figure is known for his unparalleled ambition and strategic prowess, which enabled him to unify warring states and create a vast empire. In the world of Record of Ragnarok, Qin Shi Huang takes on the role of a formidable fighter, leveraging his mastery of ancient Chinese martial arts and magical abilities to take on gods and other powerful opponents in the ultimate battle of Ragnarok. With his imposing presence and unyielding determination, Qin Shi Huang is a force to be reckoned with in this epic struggle between humans and gods.
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