Vermeil in Gold :: Anime Icon #22118

Lilia Kudelfeyt
Vermeil in Gold
Kinsou no Vermeil
Lilia Kudelfeyt is a captivating and alluring anime character from the enchanting series "Vermeil in Gold". This ravishing beauty is known for her striking golden hair, which perfectly complements her elegant and refined features. As a central figure in the anime, Lilia exudes an aura of mystique and sophistication, often finding herself entangled in romantic and fantastical situations. With her captivating presence, she effortlessly weaves a web of intrigue, drawing viewers into the world of "Vermeil in Gold", where ecchi humor, fantasy, and romance converge.
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Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfate

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Yukana Yame

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt

Lilia Kudelfeyt
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