RWBY: Ice Queendom :: Anime Icon #21989
RWBY: Ice Queendom
RWBY: Hyousetsu Teikoku
Ruby Rose is a fiery and determined young huntress from the anime series RWBY: Ice Queendom. This fearless girl is known for her striking red hair, piercing red eyes, and iconic crimson coat that reflects her bold personality. With her unwavering stare, Ruby exudes confidence and courage as she takes on formidable foes in the world of Remnant. As a skilled warrior, Ruby specializes in hand-to-hand combat and wields her scythe, Crescent Rose, with deadly precision. With her unrelenting spirit and passion for justice, Ruby Rose is a force to be reckoned with in this action-packed fantasy sci-fi adventure.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Fantasy
- Sci-Fi
- serious expression
- female
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