TEPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing 'til You Cry :: Anime Icon #21647
TEPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing 'til You Cry
Yuzu Hosono is a vibrant and energetic high school girl from the anime series TEPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing 'til You Cry. With her bright and expressive eyes, Yuzu is always ready to take on any challenge that comes her way. Her short, curly hair adds to her playful and youthful persona, making her a lovable and relatable character. As a member of the school's comedy club, Yuzu is always up for a good laugh and is not afraid to be silly or ridiculous to bring a smile to people's faces. With her infectious energy and passion for comedy, Yuzu is sure to bring laughter and joy to those around her.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- angry
- female
- orange hair
- serious expression
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