Engage Kiss :: Anime Icon #21388
Engage Kiss
Engage Kiss
Sharon Holygrail is a captivating and enigmatic character from the anime series Engage Kiss. This striking girl is easily recognizable with her distinctive hairstyle, often adorned with a nun's habit, and her piercing eyes that seem to hold a deep wisdom. Clad in a traditional school uniform, Sharon exudes an air of mystery, blending seamlessly into the surroundings of her educational institution. As a powerful and skilled individual, she finds herself entangled in a world of action, comedy, romance, and supernatural forces, making her a compelling and intriguing persona to follow.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Romance
- Supernatural
- smiling
- female
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Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail

Sharon Holygrail
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