The Devil Is a Part-Timer! :: Anime Icon #20562

Suzuno Kamazuki
The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
Hataraku Maou-sama!!
Suzuno Kamazuki is a gentle and soft-spoken heroine from the hilarious anime series "The Devil Is a Part-Timer!". This charming clipboard-toting girl is often seen wearing a traditional Japanese kimono, which adds to her endearing persona. With her trusty notebook, notepad, pen, and pencil always by her side, Suzuno is frequently found writing and taking notes, showcasing her diligent and organized nature. Despite her sweet demeanor, she plays a significant role in the story, often providing comedic relief with her innocent yet sharp observations. As the series blends elements of comedy, fantasy, romance, and slice-of-life genres, Suzuno's character adds a touch of warmth and relatability to the narrative.
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