Love Live! School Idol Project :: Anime Icon #19648
Love Live! School Idol Project
Love Live! School idol project
Nico Yazawa is a charming and ambitious school idol from the popular anime series Love Live! School Idol Project. As a member of Aqours, a school idol group, Nico is known for her striking green hair, often styled in twin tails, and her signature business suit and bow tie attire. With her sharp facial features and captivating smile, Nico exudes confidence and charisma, making her a standout performer on stage. Despite her tough exterior, Nico has a soft spot for her friends and will stop at nothing to support them in their endeavors. With her unique blend of sass and sweetness, Nico Yazawa is a beloved character in the Love Live! universe.
Anime Genres
- Drama
- Romance
- Sci-Fi
- Slice of Life
- angry
- female
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