Oreimo 2 :: Anime Icon #18968
Oreimo 2
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai.
Ruri Gokou is a charming and vibrant girl from the anime Oreimo 2, a series that masterfully blends Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, and Sci-Fi elements. With her striking pink hair and captivating eyes, Ruri is a standout character who loves to talk and express herself freely. Often seen with her phone in hand, she's always connected and ready to share her thoughts with others. As a person, Ruri is bubbly, energetic, and full of life, making her a delightful addition to the Oreimo 2 cast.
Anime Genres
- Comedy
- Drama
- Ecchi
- Romance
- Sci-Fi
- smiling
- female
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