My Hero Academia :: Anime Icon #18093

Izuku Midori
My Hero Academia
Boku no Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya is a determined and courageous young hero from the popular anime series My Hero Academia. Also known as Deku, he is a rare case of a Quirkless person in a world where superpowers are the norm. Despite this, Izuku's strong sense of justice and unwavering dedication to becoming a hero drive him to persevere and find innovative ways to compensate for his lack of abilities. With his iconic cartoonish facial expressions and energetic personality, Izuku often finds himself in comedic situations, but he never falters in his quest to protect others and fight against evil. As he attends U.A. High School, a prestigious institution for young heroes in training, Izuku continues to develop his skills and push beyond his limits, inspiring those around him with his unrelenting spirit and passion for heroism.
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