Ayakashi Triangle :: Anime Icon #17923
Ayakashi Triangle
Ayakashi Triangle
Matsuri Kazamaki is a captivating and energetic heroine from the anime series Ayakashi Triangle. This endearing girl has a heart of gold, often finding herself in comedic misadventures as she navigates her supernatural surroundings. With a mischievous glint in her eye and a quick wit, Matsuri frequently gets herself into trouble, but her kind personality always shines through. Her bold and confident nature often leads her to speak her mind, sometimes putting her foot in her mouth, but her intentions are always pure. As the story unfolds, Matsuri's bravery and determination make her a compelling and lovable character in this action-packed, romantic, and supernatural comedy.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Ecchi
- Romance
- Supernatural
- happy
- female
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Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki

Matsuri Kazamaki
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