Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to... :: Anime Icon #17816

Leone Olfa
Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire
Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame ni Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame ni!
Leone Olfa is a striking and powerful young girl from the anime series "Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire". With her piercing purple eyes and luscious purple hair, Leone exudes an aura of confidence and strength. As a skilled warrior, she takes her role as a squire seriously, dedicating herself to mastering the blade and protecting those around her. With her fearless attitude and unwavering determination, Leone is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Join Leone on her epic adventure as she battles her way through treacherous landscapes and uncovers the secrets of her past in this action-packed fantasy anime.
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