The World God Only Knows :: Anime Icon #16674

Keima Katsuragi
The World God Only Knows
Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai
Keima Katsuragi is a reclusive and introverted high school student who has a unique talent for capturing the hearts of girls in the virtual world, but struggles to connect with them in reality. In the anime series "The World God Only Knows", Keima is known for his exceptional gaming skills, particularly in dating sims, where he has earned the nickname "The Capturing God". Despite his awkwardness around girls in real life, Keima's expertise in the virtual realm makes him a valuable asset to the goddess Elsie, who enlists his help to capture escaped spirits that hide in girls' hearts. With his sharp wit and clever tactics, Keima navigates the complexities of relationships and the supernatural world, all while trying to maintain his distance from the girls he helps.
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