Dead Mount Death Play :: Anime Icon #13548
Dead Mount Death Play
Dead Mount Death Play
Misaki Sakimiya is a striking and enigmatic heroine from the anime series Dead Mount Death Play. This captivating young girl is instantly recognizable due to her distinctive pigtail hairstyle, often adorned with a cup-shaped headdress that adds to her mystique. With an air of confidence and determination, Misaki navigates the dark and supernatural world of Dead Mount Death Play, where she plays a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries and battling the forces of evil. As a key character in this action-packed fantasy thriller, Misaki's bravery and cunning are essential in uncovering the secrets that lie within the realm of the dead.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Fantasy
- Supernatural
- Thriller
- smiling
- female
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Misaki Sakimiya

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Misaki Sakimiya

Misaki Sakimiya

Misaki Sakimiya

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Misaki Sakimiya

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