Stardust Telepath :: Anime Icon #13150
Stardust Telepath
Hoshikuzu Telepath
Haruno Takaragi is a vibrant and energetic girl from the anime series "Stardust Telepath". With her striking eyes and expressive hand gestures, she brings a burst of enthusiasm to every scene she's in. As a central character, Haruno's image is one of optimism and kindness, often serving as a focal point for her friends and peers. With her relatable personality and quirky antics, she adds a touch of comedy to the show's mix of drama and slice-of-life storytelling.
Anime Genres
- Comedy
- Drama
- Slice of Life
- smiling
- female
- cheerful
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Haruno Takaragi

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Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Haruno Takaragi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Yuu Akeuchi

Umika Konohoshi

Haruno Takaragi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi

Umika Konohoshi
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