Girlfriend, Girlfriend :: Anime Icon #13110
Girlfriend, Girlfriend
Kanojo mo Kanojo
Rika Hoshizaki is a charming and captivating high school girl from the romantic comedy anime series "Girlfriend, Girlfriend". With her striking green eyes and endearing smile, Rika is a point of fascination for many, often finding herself at the center of attention. This lovely hand-holder has a knack for getting entangled in awkward yet hilarious situations, making her a relatable and lovable character. As a sweet and caring person, Rika's image is one of kindness and generosity, always willing to lend a helping hand or give words of encouragement to those around her. With her vibrant personality shining through in every photo opportunity, Rika is undoubtedly a fan favorite in this slice-of-life anime.
Anime Genres
- Comedy
- Ecchi
- Romance
- Slice of Life
- confident
- female
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