Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Includ... :: Anime Icon #11297

Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included

One Room, Hi Atari Futsuu, Tenshi Tsuki.

Towa is a charming and creative protagonist from the heartwarming anime "Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included". This endearing young girl is often seen wielding a variety of beauty tools, including a wand, brush, comb, and cosmetic items like mascara, as she navigates her daily life with a passion for beauty and self-care. With her striking features and luscious hair, Towa is a true beauty enthusiast who finds joy in enhancing her natural charm. As the story unfolds, Towa's adventures take her on a romantic and slice-of-life journey, exploring the intricacies of relationships and the beauty of everyday moments.

Anime Genres

  • Romance
  • Slice of Life


  • smiling
  • female
  • cute

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