Date A Live :: Anime Icon #23955
Date A Live
Date A Live
Kurumi Tokisaki is a mysterious and captivating character from the anime series "Date A Live". With her striking red eyes and mesmerizing stare, she is a force to be reckoned with. This enigmatic girl is known for her complex personality, which oscillates between sweet and innocent to ruthless and deadly. As a Spirit, Kurumi possesses extraordinary abilities, making her a valuable asset in the world of "Date A Live". Her actions are often shrouded in mystery, leaving fans wondering about her true intentions. With her intriguing character design and unpredictable behavior, Kurumi Tokisaki is a fascinating addition to the anime's cast of characters.
Anime Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Ecchi
- Fantasy
- Mecha
- Romance
- Sci-Fi
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Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi Tokisaki
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