Classroom of the Elite :: Anime Icon #23911
Classroom of the Elite
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
Suzune Horikita is a brilliant and stoic student in the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School, as seen in the thought-provoking anime series "Classroom of the Elite". This intelligent and analytical individual is often depicted wearing a distinctive bow tie, which has become an iconic part of her character design. With her sharp instincts and quick thinking, Suzune is always ready to catch her peers off guard, often finding herself at the center of intense psychological battles. As a strong-willed and determined person, she is not afraid to take risks, even on a rainy day, where she would boldly step out without an umbrella. Through her complex personality and intriguing interactions, Suzune Horikita adds depth to the drama-filled narrative of "Classroom of the Elite", exploring the psychological effects of competition and social hierarchy.
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Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita

Suzune Horikita
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