My Stepmom's Daughter is My Ex :: Anime Icon #22301

My Stepmom's Daughter is My Ex

Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta

Yume Irido is a charming and book-loving protagonist in the anime series "My Stepmom's Daughter is My Ex". As a gentle and soft-spoken girl, Yume often finds solace in the world of literature, frequently getting lost in the pages of her favorite books. Her love for reading is evident in her surroundings, with bookcases and bookshelves overflowing with novels that spark her imagination. With a keen eye for detail, Yume is often seen catching subtle hints and clues, much like one would find in a mysterious envelope. As she navigates her daily life in the library, Yume's quiet nature and introspective personality make her a relatable and endearing character to audiences.

Anime Genres

  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Slice of Life


  • smiling
  • female

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