Fuuto PI :: Anime Icon #21502

Fuuto PI

Fuuto Tantei

Tokime is a captivating and enigmatic character from the anime series Fuuto PI, set in a bustling city filled with mysterious buildings and hidden secrets. This intriguing young woman is often seen wearing a striking dress that complements her long, flowing hair, which adds to her mystique. As a key figure in the series, Tokime finds herself entangled in a web of action-packed drama, supernatural mysteries, and suspenseful plot twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With her unique abilities and sharp instincts, she navigates the complex world of Fuuto PI, uncovering clues and piecing together the puzzles that surround her.

Anime Genres

  • Action
  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Supernatural


  • female
  • concerned

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